Cristics voices
“Der bisherige Höhepunkt des 27. Tanz festivals Winterthur (noch bis 23.11.), ist «The Days» von Theo Clinkard”. - Thierry Frochaux, PS Magazine, The Days in Tanzfestival Winterthur, 14.11.2019.
“The Days was so touching and gorgeous! Thanks to the skilled dancers!“ - audience feedback, The Days in Turku City Theatre, 11.-12.11.2019.
“The Days! What great performance! Us three friends interpreted the presentation in slightly different ways, from their own starting points, but everyone thanked for the interesting experience.“ - audience feedback, The Days in Turku City Theatre, 11.-12.11.2019.
Satakunnan kansa, 11.12.2018, writen by Mikko Elo.