The Days toured a vastly in the UK, April-May 2022

The Days, a collaboration and contemporary dance performance initiated by Finnish dancers Maria Nurmela and Ville Oinonen and UK choreographer The Clinkard , toured in the UK 2022.

The Days project was initiated by the dance artists Maria Nurmela and Ville Oinonen when in 2017 they invited the English choreographer and designer Theo Clinkard to Finland to create a contemporary dance piece that they could perform together. The main goal of the international project was to produce a high-quality, lightweight contemporary dance work that could be performed in Finland and abroad, as well as a diverse range of audience work and workshops. The project also aimed to increase the visibility and accessibility of contemporary dance in the region and to increase cooperation between different cultural actors at home and abroad. The working group also hoped to explore opportunities for domestic and international touring through their project, as they believed this would greatly increase the opportunities for independent dance artists to work in an increasingly internationalised arts scene and simply increase their employment.

The Days, a freelance work produced outside of prefabricated production structures, premiered in December 2018 in Pori at the Tanssikuu festival and has since toured Finland and international festivals with exceptional success.

This spring, The Days Project was touring extensively in the UK in April and The Days Project also organised contemporary dance workshops with local communities, especially for people over 65 who are passionate about dance. Two participants from the workshops a were then invited to share the stage with Nurmela and Oinonen and perform in the piece.

The Days was performed nine times in the UK between 19 April and 10 May 2022 in prestigious theatres and smaller venues in The Lowry Salford, Lakeside Arts Nottingham, The Place London, Bath Spa Univeristy, Ashburton Arts Centre and Calstock Village Hall.

Follow the tour in Instagram